New Mexico Administrative Office of the District Attorneys



Case Management System

Our Statewide Case Management System tracks all judicial cases to include criminal felony, criminal misdemeanor, juvenile, civil, pre-prosecution diversion clients, worthless check clients, forfeiture cases, special drug cases, and victim information. Our system serves as the core source of data for data-informed impact prosecution strategies.


NM Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification (NMSAVIN) is a free service that provides information to crime victims, crime victim’s families, witnesses, and any interested members of the public with case status and hearing notifications on Metropolitan Court, Magistrate and District Court criminal cases in the State of New Mexico.

Electronic Disclosure

Our Electronic Disclosure system helps ensure timely disclosure in accordance with statutory obligations. In addition, the system is also used for compiling criminal history information by other criminal justice agencies across all jurisdictions in the State of New Mexico.

Training and Development

Our various live training events and webinars each year educate on a variety of prosecution-related topics. AODA provides intensive training and CLE credits to hundreds of prosecutors, peace officers, and allied professionals each year.



The Administrative Office of the District Attorneys (AODA) administers the New Mexico District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Plan, prepares and distributes uniform forms and procedures manuals, and develops uniform systems for use by District Attorneys’ Offices with respect to administrative, personnel, and budgetary matters.


The Administrative Office of the District Attorneys (AODA) operates fiscally sound programs by implementing and operating a financial control system; generating accurate and complete financial statements; managing federal grants; and providing technical assistance and training to District Attorneys’ Fiscal Officers statewide


Bill Analysis is provided to summarize legislative bills in layman’s terms, prepared by a committee or floor analysis staff before the hearing of that bill before the committee. It explains how a bill would change current law and sometimes mentions details regarding support and opposition from interest groups.


Each district attorney may, when they cannot prosecute a case for ethical reasons or other good cause, appoint a practicing member of the bar of this state to act as special assistant district attorney. Any person so appointed shall have authority to act only in the specific case or matter for which the appointment was made.

The Administrative Office of the District Attorneys' (AODA) is a state agency created to support and promote the work of all of New Mexico’s District Attorneys, including but not limited to support, training, dissemination of information that supports and aids prosecutors in the prosecution of crime throughout the state, legislative matters pertinent to prosecution and any and all other matters that directly affect prosecutors in the State of New Mexico.

The Function of a Prosecutor

The Administrative Office of the District Attorneys' (AODA) is a state agency created to support and promote the work of all of New Mexico’s District Attorneys, including but not limited to support, training, dissemination of information that supports and aids prosecutors in the prosecution of crime throughout the state, legislative matters pertinent to prosecution and any and all other matters that directly affect prosecutors in the State of New Mexico.
"INJUSTICE anywhere is a threat to JUSTICE everywhere."

Martin Luther King Jr.

(a) The office of prosecutor is charged with responsibility for prosecutions in its jurisdiction.
(b) The prosecutor is an administrator of justice, an advocate, and an officer of the court; the prosecutor must exercise sound discretion in the performance of his or her functions. (c) The duty of the prosecutor is to seek justice, not merely to convict. (d) It is an important function of the prosecutor to seek to reform and improve the administration of criminal justice. When inadequacies or injustices in the substantive or procedural law come to the prosecutor's attention, he or she should stimulate efforts for remedial action. (e) It is the duty of the prosecutor to know and be guided by the standards of professional conduct as defined by applicable professional traditions, ethical codes, and law in the prosecutor's jurisdiction.


New Mexico District Attorney Association (NMDAA) is a professional organization organized to support and promote the work of all of New Mexico’s District Attorneys, including but not limited to support, training, dissemination of information that supports and aids prosecutors in the prosecution of crime throughout the state, legislative matters pertinent to prosecution and any and all other matters that directly affect prosecutors in the State of New Mexico.
Marcus Montoya
Marcus Montoya
NMDAA President, Eighth Judicial District Attorney
Quentin Ray
Quentin Ray
NMDAA Vice-President, Ninth Judicial District Attorney
NMDAA Treasurer, Forth Judicial District Attorney